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Response: Thank you for this kind comment! I had a very exhausting day and this brightens it! Merry Christmas 🎄
Response: I hope we'll get the chance to swap in future in the Sharp Shooters group!
Response: Thanks for the heart.
Do you mean the black from the front or did I wrote in blue on the back?
The blue back side is this one
The black one is
Response: It’s definitely worth a visit! Plus from there you can do so much! There’s a lot of nature (bicycle, boat, swimming,..), Lindau is beautiful, your in Switzerland (Zurich, basel) very quick. I could definitely imaging living there one day maybe.
Response: Thank you! That helps me a lot ☺️
Response: Glad it made its way. Normally I could send you a copy of the card/ what I wrote because I do a photo before sending. But somehow this time I forgot to photograph the back side 😅
Have a nice Day!
Response: ❤️
Please let me know how you like it!
Response: Oh it arrived!! That’s wonderful! Glad you like it ☺️
Response: ❤️ danke dir
Falls du irgendwann mal fragen zur analogen Fotografie hast - melde dich gerne jederzeit.
Response: This makes me so happy!! I’m glad it’s not lost!!
Response: Danke, das bedeutet mir sehr viel und freut mich sehr zu hören!!
Response: This sounds really good!! Will definitely read it! Just not sure if I wait for a German translation..
Response: Thank you. (: he’s fine again and in kindergarten again since today.
Response: Thank you!!! This means a lot to me!
Response: I hope I will see the final result in the ESO Facebook group!
Response: ☀️ happy vacation and a relaxing time ☀️
Response: That’s sad! Maybe you can ask to think about it? With my library that works very well.
Thank you for the heart
Response: Thank you for the Netflix hint!
I will definitely check out if it’s at Netflix Germany too then!
Response: Ich drücke die Daumen!!
Response: I’ve read the Trevor Noah Book and really liked it! It’s a great book club read I think!
Response: The James Runcie because it‘s so cozy and also historical and in a very refreshing form. The main character is interesting, I like the writing style and the athmosphere. I Heard a lot of people like the tv series, but when they watched it first the don‘t enjoy the books so much. I haven’t watched it so far.
The biography is very Academic which i prefer for biographies. It caught my eye because I love the plays by Brecht - reading and watching at theatre.
Response: Da freu ich mich sehr drauf!
Response: The library of Alexandria came to my mind first <3
Response: Im so sorry this happened! Hope it didn’t ruin the card too much! Have a nice day!
Response: Ich hoffe, du konntest trotzdem noch etwas neues erfahren (:
Probiere unbedingt analog zu fotografiere ! Wie du schon schreibst - man macht vieles langsamer und weiss vieles dadurch auch mehr zu schätzen finde ich.
Response: Wie schön dass sie dir gefällt 🥰
Response: Wie schön dass es dir gefällt!! Es war toll national zu senden und mal mehr schicken zu können 😊
Response: Haha, das würden sie doch nicht wagen - oder?? 🤔😅
Response: That’s awesome! Have a wonderful day!
Response: That’s funny indeed! Take care!
Response: Haha, glad you don’t like it 🙈🤣 have a nice weekend!!
Response: Yeah, just search for Lieve Baeten, for example „The curious little witch“.
It’s a picture book with short text. (:
Thanks for the heart!
Response: I just saw you‘re my partner for another swap! Hope you‘ll like that one as much as this too!
Response: Den kann man ganz prima zur Aufbewahrung von Ringen/ Ohrringen z.b. Auf dem nachttisch benutzen! ;)
Response: Wie toll dass es dir gefällt :D
Das freut mich jetzt auch sehr (:
Response: Haha, yes I am a LEP member ^^
Thank you for the heart (:
Response: Awesome! (: hope you will like it as much as I did!
Response: Great that you like it!!
Response: Das ging wirklich fix! War gestern Abend doch erst bei der post oO
Sehr schön, ich freu mich!
Response: Thank you soo much!! ♥
Response: Thank you!
And I'm excited to get your answer!!
Response: Yeah :D I'm excited to receive a postcard back! (:
Response: Ich hoffe es war okay für dich, dass ich sie zusammen verschickt habe!
Response: Great that you're happy now and thanks for letting me know before giving me a bad rating! (: