Fives ratings for systemka
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Response: Thanks for your comment and rating! That was great to participate in this swap! Can't wait for next year fun ☺️
Response: Thanks for rating 5❤! I really enjoyed the swap!
Response: Thank you very much dear Sarah for your comment and 5❤
It was so fun to take part in the swaps
Response: Hi Ninna
Thank you so much for the five with heart
Response: Hi Alaina
Thanks a million for your 5💞 rating!))
I tried to make my story interesting and clear day by day)) I see some things astonished you, and some sound fun))) that great!:))
Have an awesome May!)
Response: Hello! Thank you dear Palentine for the rating!)) I am glad my envelope arrived safe) oh I have seen many many many romantic movies and melodramas, but those in the list maybe the first favs)
Response: You are welcome!
Thanks for your high rating!)
Have a great weekend!
Response: Hi! Thank you so much for rating!
Yes, we had snow, especially on the 1st January there was very snowy and blizzard))
Response: Hi Claire, thanks for your comment and a heart plus rating! I am very glad you enjoyed my answers))
Have nice time!
Response: Thank you so much for your rating and the additional heart!)
At the present time I want to have rest from swaps for some period but I am sure January and new year will bring new swaps))) You are welcomed!)
Response: You are welcome!
Everybody loves our Belarusian stamps:))) that's fine that you liked them too!))
Response: Hurray! I'm glad you liked our stamps! Happy Holidays!
Response: Спасибо!
Thank you for your rating, Jess!
Response: Great!
Thanks so much for your rating with a heart!
Response: Wow so fast shipping) 4 days only) priority option works well! It must be received before your BDay, dear Em!:) Thanks for the rating! Happy to swap and chat with you)) by the way those childish cutouts in front and back if the wallet are considered to be our national craft and called 'vytsinanka' here!:)
Response: Hi Dona, thanks for rating! I wish I could add some image to the post, but I can't understand how to do it^))
Response: Очень рада!! Спасибо за рейтинг! Всех благ и удачных обменов!
Response: Thank you, Michelle, for Rating 5 with heart!
Have a nice Day!
Response: Hi Sue, thanks so much for your rating !) Have a nice day!
Response: Dear Emma, thank you so much for your rating and for swapping at all! May all your swaps be fine!) Have a nice weekend!)
Response: Спасибо! Thanks for your rating! Oh that sounds fine that you'd love to keep writing me!)
Response: Дзякуй! Thanks a lot for your rating! Yes I do love Naviband's Eurovision performance, it was the best from all Belarusian performances on that contest for all years!:) Enjoy your swapping!
Response: Спасибо ! Thank you so much for rating, Susan!
Response: I am pleased that you liked the mail from Belarus!) I am watching some interesting swaps for October and Christmas time, so I guess I will certainly have fun here🍥😘
Response: I tried my best:) thank you for rating!)
Response: Extremely glad you like it) it is my first postcard to be delivered on this service!) Thanks for rating! 😘