Hearts ratings for AZmom875
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Response: Wait. I had rules?
Response: They are funny and are in UTAH so family friendly and clean.
Response: My last day in Phoenix, is OCT 8th. I gave most of my stuff away, too busy for a yard sale, but my neighbor tried to have one. I gave away the fridge, the stove, and trying to give away the big table, no takers.
Response: thanks for rating, and the heart. I look forward to seeing your book wrap up.
Response: Thanks for the heart, I did fix it by cleaning the heads. DUH! It works great now. I am so glad you love the stamps.
Response: Yes, it was A Vally of the SUN, themed monopoly game.
Response: I am so glad it arrived and you liked it. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Awe I am blushing. You make me feel like I am awesome. I am glad you liked it.
Response: Glad you liked them. I had many to share. I should go to LUX again and see what is new.
Response: Thanks for rating so fast, and for the heart.
Response: Thanks for the heart. I can make a latte at home, I have a milk frothier. I am doing ok with my recent break up w that coffee place. I feel free.
Response: I am glad to know I am not alone with the RUTH Ware Issue. It was my first book by here. but BLAH! This was a great swaps. thanks for the heart.
Response: At this point, I have forgotten what I sent, but do think that was a spider stamp. I really was thinking of you when I was compiling the tin of stuff. I know you used to do those bracelets and photo frames.
Response: I am so glad, the mail sure is slow isn't it?
Response: No on the back was 50s, check the tin I had stickers
Response: I am so glad you liked it. I had a nice Sunday Drive and the stuff didnt melt in the mail. Esp the lip gloss.
Response: I am so glad you liked my trash. I thought you could use some of that stuff for your art projects. The plastic bottles used to have diabetic test strips in them, I kept saving them for who knows why or what. Adding the washy tape made them fun. I also saved that TIN thinking, I am sure I can use it somehow. When I saw your swap, I thought it was a perfect Vehicle.
Response: We have some on Lake Havasu, and we have the original LONDON bridge, yes really.
Response: shhh don't tell anyone, but I never watched it either, I just knew it had dragons and too much rape and murder for my taste.
Response: shhh don't tell anyone, but I never watched it either, I just knew it had dragons and too much rape and murder for my taste. I also didnt get into OUTLANDER for the same reason. No Dragons on that show.
Response: Thanks for the heart, I sure thought this swap was fun.
Response: I am so glad it made your fall day with more leaves. I sure love fall but we dont have it in Phoenix.
Response: I am so glad I could send you some of those. Thanks for the heart.
Response: I saw the "TIM HOLTZ fan club membership" in your profile so I pulled out my tiny images I had from him, just for you to make the card.
Response: I am glad both arrived. I will see you in other swaps. THanks for the heart.
Response: If you ever come to AZ again, we have to meet up for coffee. I know Cave Creek, I have been up there. Great places to eat. BTW I dont miss the snow at all. NOPE not even one day of snow. I miss the fall leaves. Thanks for the heart.
Response: I am glad you liked it. I have been eating more icecream than usual while visiting my mother. I also love mint chocolate chip.
Response: Thanks for the heart and the personal Pm about your cat. It is good to know I am not alone in this situation.
Response: Thanks for the heart. I have been loving this series.
Response: I just love the RAK swaps too.
Response: Thank you so much for being in the swap. I am so thrilled you liked it. I had so much fun creating the atcs with the fall theme. They needed a forever loving home.
Response: I agree about beer, and other alcohol. I am sure the other letters will be more tasty.
Response: ah HA! YOU GOT THE STICKERS! Glad you can find a place for them.
Response: So you got the Washi, This was so fun.
Response: So you got the die cut cats. This was so fun.
Response: You are the best! Thank you so much for noticing my allergies.
Response: I am so glad this arrived. Thanks for being in the swap.
Response: Some day I am going to really come see you.
Response: I learned so much, and yes, finding info in English was a challenge, but I had so much fun virtually visiting your hometown.
Response: Odd Minds think alike!!! I also got the card from Kitty that I sent.
Response: I am so glad to hear you laughed. I hope you didnt bruise anything.
Response: Thanks for the heart. I did look at your profile, and googled quotes by that Author. I also dont remember that quote from the book, but there were many good ones to chose from. I think that is why the book was so moving.
Response: I had to go look at my list again, to see what I wrote. I am going to save that list. It covers it all. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Yes, the squirrel was just for you, you super squirrel. I have another squirrel for the set I am receiving. Sending it to you when I am done.
Response: haha, Sorry the bear was too cute for the kid to resist. I find the joy in making the cards and tend to have more cards that need homes, kind of like dogs and cats in the USA. So glad you liked it. Thanks for the heart.
Response: I am so glad they are starting to arrive from me to you. It can take some time to get over the POND.
Thanks for the heart.
Response: I am glad you liked it. I got mine, and loved the ones my partner sent, they inspired me. Thanks for the heart.
Response: I was glad to do, it and I will be in the rest of the swaps too. Thanks for hosting.
Response: I am so glad you like them. I hope you are in coffee heaven. Thanks for the heart.
Response: I am so glad you liked it. I loved the pens myself, and now they are sold out. I wish I had bought more.
Response: Ok now that is funny! Thanks for the heart.
Response: Thank you for the heart, and for the attempt to avoid my dislike of Holiday atc cards. You are super.
Response: once I got a pc not even for me, but someone in Florida stuck to my mail. It does make you wonder what happens to mail once the Post office gets it. Thanks for the heart. I really had fun making all the Postcard for the swap.
Response: I am glad it arrived. It could have been the address got damaged.
Response: I am so glad you liked the atc. I made it for you after seeing how much you like to hear about others cats. BTW a new stray just adopted me. I named her Yetti since she is a Himalayan stray.
Response: the paper was glittery to begin with but I was worried that the ticket would come off in the mailing so I used glittery modge podge.
Response: Yes, there are so many books to adopt, I will try again. I did get what I wanted out of it, which was a better understanding on why the book was hated and loved. Thanks for the heart.
Response: I am so glad because I also got you for the Dog stamped images, and I only have 6 dog stamps. Thanks for the heart and thanks for hosting the series.
Response: Thanks for the heart, I sure had fun making the cards.
Response: I miss the fall in Michigan, I miss so much about Michigan. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Thanks for the heart. Deep in the heart of TX.
Response: Oh I love to hear about your wanderlust desires to travel. Thanks for being in the swap and for the heart.
Response: Thanks for being in the swap and for the heart. I will work on your houses and pass them along.
Response: I am so thrilled that it arrived.
Response: Thanks for the heart thanks for being in the swaps
Response: Thank you for the heart. I feel lighter.
Response: yes, it sure was worth it. it was dusty dirty job, but I feel so better.
Response: Oh I am so glad, that you got a Serendipity book. I hope you like it.
Response: So glad you liked it. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Thanks for the heart. Thanks for playing. Have fun with the scraps.
Response: I just love that tea, so I hope you loved it too. I hope you feel blessed every day.
Response: thanks, I tried hard to pick quality cards that really didnt fit my collection, not just ugly cards. I am so glad you liked some of them.
Response: I am so glad you like the atcs. I guess $100 bill fell out of the envelope. Oh well that happens. hahahha
Response: For the heart and the five I hope you liked the dare
Response: Yes, we should. But lets clean it up first and so it is only a mild mess.
Response: I am so glad you like it. I wanted it to be something you would use.
Response: I am so glad I could rock your world.
No you got the code on the back of the card board, and hey go buy some popcorn. Hey next I will send some popcorn, but really those additives are not good for you so think of all the calories I saved you. I thought I was clever and that you would love it. Have a super cattalicious day.
Response: I am so glad it arrived. I paid extra to hand cancel to protect the bow. I hope it arrived in great shape.
Response: So glad it arrived. I hope you make someting beautiful with the items.
Response: I am so glad they arrived. I do hope you make something beautiful with them.
Response: I will send you a Pm. The book series isnt really a series that is a continuation. The characters in book 2 are not ones from book 1.
You could read book 2 as a stand alone. I won book 1 in a swap on PBS, I also dont own book 2 so, I really dont plan to seek it out nor try to win it is a swap.
Response: I did that just for you. I thought you might find it to your liking.
Response: I got this back, thank you so much.
Response: I am so thrilled I sent you the card destined for you. I saved it for almost 3 years just for you. Thanks for the heart.
Response: I am so glad to hear I did put the note about the swap name. I kind of freaked out the day after I mailed. I am so glad you got some items that might be useful. Serendipity works. Thanks for the heart.
Response: I was going for the laugh. I tried to buy cards, but there seems to be a dearth of them except online. Thank your being in the swap.
Response: Thank you for the comments, It was fun to hear back from you about my food. Glad to hear you would have ate more than one too. I have not had another one since that Saturday.
Response: Thanks for the heart. Thanks for rating.
Response: I bought that cat from Stampin up! It wasnt cheap but it cuts through paper like butter. I am glad I bought it. The rooster was a new punch too. Fiskcars called cockadoodle, I bought that on ebay. thanks for the heart.
Response: THe k is written in gold, and the L is writen in green. Thanks for the heart.
Response: Thank you for the heart and for listening to my hidden words.
Response: I am so glad you liked it. I was very nervous. I am not hooked on flow ish journals. Thank you for the heart
Response: Thanks for the heart, I sent you a Pm about bookcrossing
Response: I am thrilled you got it. It is your unbirthday and you can open it when ever you want. Happy Unbirthday to you every day.
Response: I loved mine, and thought yours was way better, so I was hoping you would love mine just as much. I really had fun making it. I am pretty sure you wrote something inside.