Use the controls to the right to show only the ratings you are interested in.
Response: Awwww thank you for the lovely rating
Response: Oops. And thank you for the rating. Happy holidays
Response: Happy holidays 🎄
Response: Happy holidays 🎄
Response: Thank you for the lovely rating. Happy holidays
Response: So happy you like it. Happy swapping
Response: Sorry about the missing info, thank you for rating, happy swapping.
Response: Thank you for the lovely rating and for hosting. Happy birthday, happy swapping, happy everything 😊👍
Response: What a lovely rating, it made my day reading this comment, I am so glad I made you smile (that is whole purpose of swap bot for me)
Response: Thank you for the love
Y comment. Happy swapping
Response: Thank you for your understanding, many issues but they sound like excuses, I take full responsibility, but all years in swap bot with good rating are not in vein. Enjoy the summer.
Response: Yes it had a delay, apparently the communication never went throughout. Your consideration in the rating will be greatly appreciated
Response: Thank you for the lovely rating
Response: Awwww thank you for a such great review. That made my day. Happy swapping.
Response: I was never rated a 1. Kindly review the rating. E mail was sent 12/04/23
Response: Awwww thank you for the sweet rating. So glad me meet again. This is a always a great swap.
Response: Thank you for the lovely review.and yes I make envelopes in all sizes. I will be happy to send you a sample, feel free to send me a message
Response: Awwww so happy, glad you like them
Response: I am so glad it made it to your hands this time. Best regards
Response: Awwwww so happy you like it.
Response: Awwwww thank you for the lovely rating. Happy holidays
Response: Awww. You are welcome. But still a couple of more are on their way …..
Response: Awwww. Thank you for the lovely rating and your patience
Response: Awwww so cute. Stay cool 😎
Response: That is very nice of you. But since I been having late ratings, I am going to guess the post office has a delay (again). Thank you for your rating.
Response: Awwwwww thank you for your lovely rating
Response: Awwwww. My pleasure…so happy you like it.
Response: Awwwwww you are so sweet. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
Response: Looking at your profile, I see that you are new at swapping. This swap was senders choice . I been swapping for over 6 years and this is not a valid reason for a low rating, I will resend as a courtesy, kindly review yours rating.
Response: Awwww you are so sweet, you made my day.
Response: Lol. Glad you like it.
Response: Thank you for the sweet and kind comment/ rating.
Response: I hope you are feeling better. And recover soon, I will love to send you a little happy mail to bright your day if it’s ok with you.
Response: Thank you for the heart
Response: Thank you for the heart
Response: Awwww you are so sweet, what a lovely rating. You made my day.
Response: Awww thank you for the lovely rating, and heart.
Response: Awwwww. Thank you for the lovely rating
Response: Thank you for the lovely rating and heart
Response: Awww you made my day with a such nice comment. Enjoy. Happy swapping.
Response: Thank you for the lovely rating
Response: Thank you for the heart. Happy holidays.
Response: Awwww what a sweet review, I am so happy you like it.
Response: Awwwwww thank you for the heart.
Response: Thank you for the heart
Response: Thank you for the heart
Response: Thank you for the hearts
Response: Awww so happy you like them
Response: Thank you for the heart
Response: Thank you for the heart
Response: Thank you for the heart
Response: Thank you for the heart
Response: Thank you for the heart
Response: You are so sweet, your rating comment made my day.
Response: My pleasure. So happy you like them
Response: Awwwww thank you for the sweet rating. Happy swapping
Response: Thank you for the heart. This swap was really fun.
Response: Thank you for the heart
Response: You making me blushed LOL. I am so happy you like it. Happy swapping, happy crafting.
Response: Thank you for the lovely rating
Response: Great. Thank you for the heart.
Response: So happy you like it. Thank you for the heart.
Response: Thank you for the heart
Response: Thank you to the heart
Response: No worries. Thank you for the heart.
Response: So happy you like them
Response: Awwwwww if life give you lemons....make lemon pie LOL. Thank you for the heart.
Response: So happy you like them, thank you for the heart.
Response: I am glad you like it, thank YOU for hosting, it’s a great and fun swap.
Response: Awwww that’s so sweet.
Response: Awwwww that’s so nice of you, I am glad you like the goodies, I love this swap.
Response: So happy you like the items, I love this swap, thank you for the heart.
Response: Thank you for the heart
Response: Wow! My heart # 1341. But how is counting LOL.
Response: Thank you for the heart
Response: Awwww so happy you like the goodies.
Response: You are always a great partner. Thank you for the heart
Response: I am glad you like it. Thank you for the heart
Response: Thank you for the heart.
Response: Thank you for the heart
Response: Awwwwww you are so sweet. Thank you sooooooo much for the extra lovely rating.
Response: I am glad you like the goodies, thank you for my heat #1300 (but who’s counting LOL). Stay well and safe..
Response: Awww thank you for the lovely rating.
Response: Lol. That’s what the lady at the register said, are these earrings? I am glad you like them. Stay well and safe.
Response: We all need to be positive at this time ( and always ) stay well and safe. Thank you for the heart, everyone need those too 😊✌🏼
Response: You are the best rating ever. 😊😊😊 I am so happy you like everything. Thank you for the kindness
Response: Thank you for being my heart #1277, but who is counting ..? LOL. We all need a lot of hearts thru this difficult time. Stay well
Response: Awwwww so happy you like the items. Thank you for the lovely rating.
Response: Thank you for your kind rating and understanding if it arrived late.
Response: Awww thank you for your awesome comment, it made my day.
Response: Oppppsss sorry about the name error, but glad you like the goodies, And thank you for the heart.
Response: You are so sweet, I was so worried. I really enjoy the swaps, love to create new things, thank you for the lovely rating. FYI I received an awesome clutch from my partner ( I thought you might like to know as an organizer)
Response: Thank you for the sweet rating, you made my day.
Response: Thank you for the nice review and heart. P.s you are my heart # 1200
Response: Awwww that’s so sweet. Happy holidays
Response: You are so sweet. Thank you for the lovely review.
Response: Awwww thank you for the lovely rating
Response: Thank you for the heart
Response: You are so sweet. Thank you for the nice rating, and the heart. That is what swap bot is all about for me
Response: Thank you for the heart
Response: Thank you for the heart
Response: Awww you’re so sweet. Thank you for the heart. Happy swapping
Response: Thank you for the lovely and detail review. Also thank you for the heart
Response: I am so glad you like it. It was a fun swap.
Response: awwww thank you for the sweet comment and rate.
Response: awww, what a such kind review, it's so inspiring as a crafter that my little art gets appreciated. thank you for the heart. you made my day !
Response: Lol I am sos sorry i scared you guys . I hope the contents made up for it. funny thing I am also looking for house and i am in the middle of everything as well. when i stared reading your review i freak out too LOL life is good let's laugh best regards and good luck with your house. - keep in touch
Response: awww you are so sweet, thank you so much, it means a lot, I am really enjoying this group.
Response: thank you for the heart
Response: I am so happy you like it. it's my goal to put an smile in peoples face, swapping is a great way to accomplish that. happy swapping
Response: AWWWW I am so happy you like it, thank you for the heart
Response: I am happy you like it, thank you for the heart
Response: awwww so sweet. thank you for the heart.
Response: thank you for the heart
Response: thank you for the heart
Response: you are welcome, always a pleasure with you. :-) thank you for the heart, it's my number 1,001 yes!!!!!!!
Response: AWWWW Julie you are so nice, I am so happy you like everything. And you are MY heart number 1000
Response: thank you for the heart
Response: thank for my heart number 992 ( but who's counting ?) LOL Happy swapping.
Response: thank you for the heart
Response: thank you for the heart
Response: thank you for the heart.
Response: awww you are so sweet, I am happy you like it. happy swapping.
Response: thank you for the nice rating, best regards, happy swapping.
Response: you are so sweet. Happy you like it, thank you for the heart
Response: Thank you for the heart
Response: Thank you for the heart.
Response: thank you for the heart (my number 956 YES !!! ) Happy swapping
Response: Thank you for the heart Happy new year 2019
Response: Thank you for the heart - Happy new year 2019
Response: Thank you for the heart
Response: Thank you for the heart !
Response: awwww you are so sweet! and you made me laugh with ''the hourly"' HAPPY HOLIDAYS, thank you for the heart
Response: I am so happy you like the swap, can't remember where I got the kind quotes, but I am so happy so pass along some of it. Happy holidays, and thank you for the heart
Response: I am so glad you got it. My apologies again for the lateness. Please disregard my e mail,I Just sent.
Thank you for the kind rating.
Response: I am so happy you like the goodies, Thank you for the heart.
Response: thank you for the heart.
Response: thank you for the heart
Response: so happy you like the goodies. thank you for the heart
Response: awesome! so happy you like it. happy crafting.
Response: awww I am so happy to bring an extra smile to yourr day. feel better Enjoy the summer
Response: I am so happy you like the swap, thank you for the heart.
Response: Thank you for the heart, Happy swapping
Response: My please, thank you for the heart.
Response: awwww you are always a pleasure to swap with. thank you for the nice rating
Response: thank you for the heart!
Response: thank you for the heart
Response: thank you for the heart! happy swapping! you are my 800 heart !!!!
Response: thank you for the heart! happy swapping!
Response: awwww you are so sweet. thank you for the nice rating.
Response: thank you the rating, and once more my apologies for the late delivery.
Response: awww thank you for the lovely rating.
Response: awwww. Happy you like it. thank you for the heart
Response: thank you for your rating and heart. You are my 777 heart LOL
Response: so happy you like it. thank you for the heart
Response: you are so sweet, good luck.
Response: thank you for the heart
Response: Awww I am so happy. Thank you for the heart
Response: awwww you are so sweet. thank you for the nice rating and heart.
Response: thank you for the heart. feel better. best wishes always
Response: great! thank you for the heart. take care
Response: my apologies for not writing my name. I probably forgot to include the name with the swap name and my user id. Happy holidays
Response: thank you for the heart