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Sahnetoffee on Mar 17, 2017:

APDG 🌸 Happy 🌻Spring 🌼Deco Swap 🌹

Sahnetoffee on Mar 17, 2017:

APDG 🌸 Happy 🌻Spring 🌼Deco Swap 🌹

SuZignomeMoM on Mar 16, 2017:

BL ~ Butterflies From Our State or Country #1

Meet the Viceroy, Kentucky's state butterfly.

Although the Viceroy shares the Monarch's color scheme that is where the similarity end. Viceroys do not migrate. They overwinter as 1st or 2nd instar larvae, rolled up in a leaf of their host plant (willow or poplar).

The most distinctive difference is evident here in this comparison photo. The upper is a Monarch, the lower a Viceroy. You can see the black line across the Viceroy's post median hind wing.

Viceroys flit as they fly instead of the floating flap flap of a Monarch.

I hope you enjoyed meeting the Viceroy.

yvonne401 on Mar 16, 2017:

BL ~ Butterflies From Our State or Country #1

I hope you like the pics that I've chosen for you!

Unfortunately Pennsylvania doesn't have a state butterfly. I will share will you one of the butterflies from my state of Pennsylvania, the White Admiral Butterfly.

Identification: Upperside is black with broad white median bands on both wings; hindwing has a marginal row of blue dashes and a submarginal row of red dots. Underside is reddish-brown with white median bands as on the upperside. The other form of this butterfly, the Red Spotted Purple, hybridize where their ranges overlap, creating various intermediate forms which may be found in or near the overlap zone.

Wing Span: 2 1/4 - 4 inches (5.7 - 10.1 cm).

Life History: Males perch 3 feet or more above the ground on trees and tall bushes and rarely patrol for females. Eggs are laid singly on tips of host plant leaves; caterpillars eat leaves. Third-stage caterpillars hibernate.

Flight: Two broods from April-October.

Caterpillar Hosts: Leaves of many species of trees and shrubs including wild cherry (Prunus), aspen, poplar, cottonwood (Populus), oaks (Quercus), hawthorn (Crataegus), deerberry (Vaccinium stamineum), birch (Betula), willows (Salix), basswood (Tilia), and shadbush (Amelanchier).

Adult Food: Sap flows, rotting fruit, carrion, dung, and occasionally nectar from small white flowers including spiraea, privet, and viburnum. White Admirals also sip aphid honeydew.

Habitat: The White Admiral form is usually found in the north in deciduous broad-leaf or mixed evergreen forests dominated by aspen or birch. The Red-Spotted Purple form is usually found further south than the White Admiral, in deciduous or mixed forests, moist uplands, valley bottoms, and coastal plains.

Range: Red Spotted Purple is in Alaska and subarctic Canada southeast of the Rocky Mountains to central Texas; east to New England and central Florida. Isolated populations in Arizona, New Mexico, and west Texas south into Mexico. The White Admiral form usually occurs north of a line through north central New England, New York, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Minnesota. The Red-spotted Purple form is usually found south of this line. Much hybridization occurs where these forms meet. The Red-spotted Purple is a mimic of the poisonous Pipevine Swallowtail (Battus philenor).

Here is an example of the Red Spotted Purple. This butterfly is not found in Pennsylvania.

Both of these butterflies are very beautiful. I hope you enjoyed.



yvonne401 on Mar 16, 2017:

CSG ~ Fruit of the Spirit, #3 Love

Love is defined in the bible in 1Corinthians 13:4-7 as the following:

"Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres."

The dictionary definition of love is the following:

  1. an intense feeling of deep affection.
  2. a person or thing that one loves.
  3. (in tennis, squash, and some other sports) a score of zero; nil.

What does love mean to me? There are many different kinds of love. I have a different kind of love depending on who it is for, such as my son, my pets, my friends, my family, my boyfriend. But all of these loves should be unconditional. They should be given freely and not based on conditions. They shouldn't expect me to give them something to be loved.

God loves us unconditionally. God loves us because it is His nature to love. He saved us from sin based on His love. While we were still sinners Christ died for us. What love could be greater than that.

"No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us and his love is made complete in us." (1John 4:12)

I know that God lives in me and because of that I have love for my fellow man, no matter who he or she is. I am a very compassionate person and I feel that it is because of the love that I have.

I hope you were encouraged by my comments. I pray that your life is also filled with love. God Bless You!



miablancs on Mar 16, 2017:

APDG ~ Spring Seasonal Food Swap

Sorry I forgot one last food. While living in Greece you could smell this bread being baked everywhere and it is so tasty

miablancs on Mar 16, 2017:

APDG ~ Spring Seasonal Food Swap

I hope you enjoy the foods I have chosen for you. If you have any questions about the foods I would love to tell you more about them.

Spring means Mango season in the Caribbean and it is best time to purchase imported Mangos

Fiddleheads can even be found wild in forests. They are great cooked but delicious on sandwiches with cream cheese.

Easter bun and cheese is delicious!

tcornell on Mar 16, 2017:

Thank you so much for the thoughtful profile comment. Hugs, Tracy

yvonne401 on Mar 16, 2017:

APDG ~ Spring Seasonal Food Swap

I hope you like the pics and gifs that I've chosen for you.

Happy Spring!



yvonne401 on Mar 16, 2017:

APDG 🌸 Happy 🌻Spring 🌼Deco Swap 🌹

I hope you like the pics and gifs that I've chosen for you!

I hope it feels like spring in your neighborhood. In my neighborhood it is cold and snowy and spring is coming in 4 days.




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