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tatntole on Feb 1, 2018:

EF ~ Animal Series #1, Polar Bear Deco Swap So sorry the first set didn't work.

Shellyr on Jan 31, 2018:

I am sending a February wish to all of the usual monthly profilers. Have a wonderful Valentine's Day.

Violet is the flower of the month

Happy Valentine's Day

President's Day

Black History Month

simcoe54 on Jan 23, 2018:

CHWH: Bingo - Thanks for the great selection of postcards that you sent me for winning the bingo game. They are all new to my collection!!!!

mariamichelle on Jan 20, 2018:

I received my CSG Bingo prize today. Thank you so much!!

goinjenny on Jan 20, 2018:

Thank you for the postcards and envies in AWG January

CraftyMommaonaBUDGET on Jan 18, 2018:

Yvonne, Very cute video thanks for sharing

Shellyr on Jan 17, 2018:


I am lucky and live in South Florida, so I see butterflies a lot in the winter. Just today I saw a monarch. When I lived in CA>, I saw the monarch butterflies in migration in Santa Cruz. There were 100's of thousands of them and they clung to each other with their wings closed. They made the trees look like willows. Simply amazing!


In Butterflies of North America, Jeffrey Glassberg describes the mourning cloak butterfly: "Above, there is nothing like a Mourning Cloak, with its plush brown velvety color, studded with royal blue and edged in ochre." It is, indeed, a handsome butterfly in its own right. But when you find a mourning cloak butterfly warming itself in the sun on one of the last days of winter, you may think it's the most beautiful sight you've seen in months.

Mourning cloaks are some of our longest-lived butterflies, with adults surviving as long as 11 months. By the end of winter, individuals may be noticeably tattered. On late winter days when the temperature is mild, they may emerge to feed on tree sap (most often oak) and sun themselves. Throw some bananas and cantaloupe on top of your garden compost heap, and you might find them enjoying a late winter snack.

Scientific Name: Nymphalis antiopa

Range: Nearly all of North America, with the exception of the Florida peninsula and the southernmost parts of Texas and Louisiana.

Habitat: Woodlands, stream corridors, urban parks

Adult Size: 2-1/4 to 4 inches


Question marks like habitats with open spaces, so suburban butterfly enthusiasts have a good chance of finding this species. It's larger than other anglewing butterflies. The question mark butterfly has two distinct forms: summer and winter. In the summer form, the hindwings are almost entirely black. Winter question marks are mainly orange and black, with violet tails on the hindwings. The underside of the butterfly is drab, except for the contrasting white question mark symbol that gives this species its common name.

Question mark adults feed on carrion, dung, tree sap, and rotting fruit, but will visit flowers for nectar if their preferred diet is in limited supply. In some parts of their range, you can lure them out of hiding on warmer March days with overripe fruit.

Scientific Name: Polygonia interrogationis

Range: East of the Rockies, from southern Canada to Mexico, with the exception of the southernmost part of Florida.

Habitat: Wooded areas, including forests, swamps, urban parks, and river corridors

Adult Size: 2-1/4 to 3 inches


Milbert's tortoiseshell is simply stunning, with a wide orange band of color that gradually fades to yellow at its inner edge. Its wings are outlined in black, and the hindwings are usually marked with bright blue dots on the outer edge. The leading edge of each forewing is decorated with two orange marks.

Although the flight season for Milbert's tortoiseshells is May to October, overwintering adults may be seen in early March. This species can be plentiful one year and rare the next.

Scientific Name: Nymphalis milberti

Range: Canada and northern U.S. Occasionally migrates south as far as California, New Mexico, Indiana, and Pennsylvania, but rarely seen in southeastern U.S.

Habitat: Moist locations where nettles grow, including pastures, woodlands, and marshes.

Adult Size: 1-5/8 to 2-1/2 inches

pattiairel on Jan 17, 2018:

stopping to say hello!!!

emeraldawn on Jan 17, 2018:



yvonne401 on Jan 16, 2018:

CSG ~ Fruit of the Spirit, #8 Self Control

Self control as defined in the bible:

In the New Testament, the most common Greek word for self-control (temperance, KJV) is enkrateia. Its root meaning is "power over oneself" or "self-mastery." Self-control, in its widest sense, is mastery over our passions. It is the virtue that holds our appetites in check, controlling our rational will or regulating our conduct without being duly swayed by sensuous desires. Moderation is a key element in self-control.

Self control as defined in the dictionary:

Self control is defined as the ability to manage your actions, feelings and emotions. An example of self control is when you want the last cookie but you use your willpower to avoid eating it because you know it isn't good for you.

What does self control mean to me?

Self control means thinking before acting. It also means having restraint and doing things in moderation. It also means controlling your feelings and behaviors in order to make good decisions.

Self-control must be practiced in good and right things:

(1) eating

(2) pleasure

(3) work

(4) sleep.

Self-control must be practiced as Christians completely abstain from:

(1) fornication

(2) lying

(3) gambling

(4) drunkenness

(5) stealing.

Christians must control their temper.


How this scripture applies to my life:

A city without walls is vulnerable to any enemy who wants to attack or loot. In the same way, a life that does not have boundaries is vulnerable to any distraction or seduction that comes its way. Don’t give up on following God in your life. He will give you discipline and help you with your self control.

I hope you were encouraged by my comments. I pray that your life is also filled with self control God Bless You!



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