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Date Joined: December 20, 2012
Last Online: June 28, 2024 Birthday: June 14 Country: France Blog My Flickr Photos |
I'm french, I live an old barn in the SW of France, I would be delighted to swap my atc, my mail-arts and a few goodies, my scrap all around the world...
I am a more then 2x25, somewhat educated woman who makes home with my husband, 1 big kid (born in 2001), 1 dog, 3 cats and a few chickens and bees, a lot of deers.
~I have seen "most" of the world. ~I have sinned, loved, lost, forgiven, forgotten, quit, but never given up.
~I love creating- life, art, love, washi tape and Photography. ~I love cleaning up- life, art, love. ~I have a dark side. ~I also love rainy days, snow and fog (even if my favorites seasons are Spring & Summer...for the sun and flowers...and so, that I do not have to sit by the fireplace. ~I believe that paint and/or fabric can make anything beautiful. ~I forget lots of things-names, faces, what I just said, phone messages. ~I have no regrets-every step (good or bad) has brought me to this moment, and it's marvelous. ~I love making my son and friends laugh- most of all I love it when they make me laugh... That's me! C'est moi!
I love cooking (a lot of sweet stuff...jams, sirups with what I have in my garden!), and baking too...
& Coffee (yes, but I only drink Nespresso capsules, so no swap for coffees!)
Love Sweets (real sugar!) & Chocolate (only Swiss Choc) & Biscuits
Hate Jelly stuff...beurck!
NO allergy, so no worries there, the only restriction is cigarette smoke!
Please NO "light" stuff (butter is butter, cream is cream as well as sugar... for me...)
No religion, but I respect! I don't like ...I mean people / people who discriminate against people who might be/look different :)
Like Vintage items/stuff, "Brocante", I love to recycle items...
I love learning about new places and to travel whenever it is possible...never knows we'll maybe meet one day?! with pleasure ...
Last thing: forgive my bad English as I'm french
mail-arts, ATC, inchies, skinies, scrapbooking, home-deco...I just love paper, papers!!!
Love rubber stamps (no post stamps!) and stamping...
collage, old book pages, music sheets
I do NOT use stickers/rub-on...I do not like rich colors (neon/fluo!)
My favourite colors are kraft, red, black & white (even if it isn't a color!), but I use nearly all colors for my craft...
Scrap style :Clean & Simple as well as Mixed-media...
Je suis Française, il y a bientôt 13 ans que nous avons décidé de quitter le monde industriel, pour s’installer dans un magnifique coin perdu dans la campagne du SO de la France. Nous avons restauré 1 vieille bâtisse pleine de charme et ouvert notre Gîte depuis 2011 nous avons 2 minous –Mitsy et Wurmy-…des poules ainsi que des millions d’abeilles ! Nul doute que j’adore les petits bouts de papiers et dès que j’ai un moment ; -je scrape ! Pas assez à mon goût (ni de moments, ni de pages à mon actif !), mais j’ai fait bcp de swaps, plein de cartes, pour commencer et m’essayer à toutes sortes de techniques…en plus des « gros bricolages » de nos bâtisses !
C'est avec plaisir que je zappe sur le net en quête d'idées, de personnes ayant la même passion...
Inutile de vous dire que j’aime (pas les couleurs fluo!) aussi les bons petits plats, le bon vin, la vieille Poire et la vieille Prune…et ici on est gâté, donc même si le chocolat (Suisse) me manque…un peu…j’ai constaté que l’on arrive aussi à s’en passer !!!
Voilà ...un peu de bla-bla (Oh! que je suis pipelette, c'était déjà marqué sur mes bulletins scolaires!!!) sur moi et mon envie de vous rejoindre … (et sans aucune prétention, juste pour partager un peu ce que je fais...)
Je me réjouis de vous retrouver, de vous connaître…de découvrir vos créations… au travers de ce forum/groupe…
A temps perdu, je fais des mails-arts, des ATC et qq pages de scrap...et je me réjouis de swapper avec xyz! Au plaisir...
I do not read a lot, just what is interesting!!!
Latino and what's new for dancing! But, since we left the busy world, I like the silence, the songs of Life, the birds, the nature, the wind...
I enjoy the tranquility
Teas I like: flavored rooibos decaf black tea fruit teas, infusions w i t h o u t chicory, without chamomille flavored white tea flavored honeybush
My favourite flavors are vanilla, chocolate, coconut, red currant, cranberry, raspberry, strawberry, orange, but I like also liquorice, chai (only from Twinings) cinnamon, ginger, rose and verbena...
Teas and flavors I do NOT like: * green teas , cannot drink them anymore! * jasmin * mate * chai or spicy teas * banana * chamomile * lemon * lemon grass * anis * mint, peppermint * fennel * sage * black plain tea
Everything is ok, as long as it is nicely packed... Wrapped, unwrapped teabags and i even prefer loose tea!
FLAKERS!!! :( Remember just that a swap from me, comes from France...so about 10 days is normal!
Please let me know if you don't receive a swap from me before rating. If I am going to be late for a swap I will PM you. If you are going to be late for a swap please PM me. I am very understanding so take a breath and relax. If you are unhappy with a swap let me know and I will try to make it right. I do my best and try to make my swap partners like their swap!
I was f l a k e d by @c r a f t y m i s s p r i s s, but luckily angeled by @WendySue ..Thanks to Wendy for a her big heart! @lightchick on "something sweet from a sweet friend"...that wasn't sweet at all from her... More then 6 months after -nothing- even if she said X times that she will send...
For a few Altered Art projects I am in need of any unique item, old keys, wings, small crowns and embellishments, small rusted metal items Baker's twine nice buttons or charms Deco Tape /washi Tape nice cotton fabric journaling tags Music sheets Decorative Brads (eyelets) Fabric/Lace/Ribbon Scrapbooking papers & other Deco Supplies
Teas (Loose or bagged), only flavored Rooibos (LOVE IT!)... or infusion, fruit tea... (Please Be so kind to check my dislikes! Thanks!)
I love tea from PICKWICK, NORDQVIST, STASH... I can't get any of those in France.
stuff with "mustaches" or "Keep calm and carry on..."
spices from other countries (l even like it when it is a bit spicy, not too spicy!) seeds (I have a big vegetable garden!), herbs
cooking recipes that you have already tried yourself (not the one you just find on the net!)
home-made stuff (jams, sirups, biscuits, cookies...)
Flavors that I like: Vanilla, Orange, Cinnamon, Ginger, apple, honey, liquorice, peanut butter, marshmallow...
Jelly stuff...
lipstick, body lotion...
NO touristic souvenirs from countries, no postcards, no bibelots (I've travelled a lot...and I do not like things that just collect dust!)
Hello Kitty stuff pink, highlight-coloured things & glittering stuff
teas bagged or loose tea
french goodies
baker's twine, nice buttons (vintage and new ones!), postcards, die-cuts, pages of old books in a few languages
spices from our region
P.S: As I drink a lot of tea, I have a lot of empty bags...if there is anybody collecting them let me know...!
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday!
Welcome to Inspiration Station!
I'm so happy to learn that your mom is doing well! I've thought of her many times this past year.
Would you like to swap loose tea again? That was a lot of fun. If so, let's shoot for early 2016. Something to look forward to in the new year!
Thanks for checking in with me. Hearing from you is always a pleasure. :-)
Thank you for the delicious smelling teas! Love, Anicka
Ciao! Scusami, sono stata occupatissima in queste settimane (ti racconterò). Per il tè, non c'è fretta, ne riparleremo quando faremo il nostro swap privato :-) Un bacio grande!
Hi! I sent you an invite to the LLL Group! Enjoy it & SB! ;-) Happy Swapping! Blessings! cc

Happy birthday, Karina! Have a wonderful day! :)
Hello from the other side of the world!