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Page 3 of marooter's Comments

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craftybarbie on Nov 27, 2012:

I just got 5 packages from the mail lady. They are the ones that are for you and 4 other swap people. I have a paper on them saying that there was not enough postage and it was done wrong. I called the post office and the girl that was taking care of all of us that day was her first day by herself and so they were done wrong. I am so sorry but today they will be going back and done right. I will be going this afternoon so you should get it this week.I feel like sitting down and crying. Thank you

anrtist on Sep 2, 2012:

HEY! I sent u an invite to the LLL~Location, Location, Location Group. I hope you join in & check in occassionally to see who's swapbotting in your area!!! ;-) It 's for all Swapbotters, so u can invite anyone too, ENJOY ;-) Blessings, cc


fifisHQ2012 on Jul 8, 2012:

Thank you so much for my rating... X

limitup on Apr 27, 2012:

I went to my mailbox today...not expecting anything other than bills...and to my surprise, there was a package from you!!! It is a bunch of 6x6 sheets. Thank you so much!!! :-) Hope you have a great weekend!!!

Itti on Nov 10, 2011:

Hi Mary,

I've just got my partner's half for the scavenger hunt swap that @Cyndimom hosted and I think I misunderstood the "shopping list" requirement. I had recently seen someone obsessing about "found lists" - lists written by other people that they'd found - and I must've had that in my head.

I went back and reread the swap, and it's not clear, but I think you were probably expecting blank ones like my partner sent to me. Now that I've realised this, I'm happy to send you something more like what you were expecting, if you'd like to receive them.

Sorry for being such a n00b about this!


marooter on Aug 5, 2011:

Thanks, Rosalie! Believe it or not, I cut up a cereal box at least a year ago into inch square and ATC sizes, but hadn't even made ATCs, let alone Inchies, until now! The background thing was hard to build on but I just started grabbing stuff and hoping it would go together. It also doesn't help that I waited til the last minute -- I think, for me, procrastination is a symptom of perfectionism (or fear of a 'non-perfect' product)! I will do an Inchie swap again, and I also need to join an ATC swap to get over my fear of those! (o;Mary

blueackerson on Aug 5, 2011:

You should do more inchies. Yours were sturdy, clever and very well made; some of the best I've received. Hope to get you in another inchie swap. Rosalie

ninjapirate on Jun 20, 2011:

You're my send to partner in the big fat stuffed envelope swap, and I enjoyed reading your profile! We have a lot in common as far as likes and stuff. I'd love to see your house; it sounds really cool. I'm excited about putting your swap together because I think I have stuff you'll like!

marooter on May 17, 2011:

Thanks for the welcome! (o; I'm looking forward to having a little fun with this. Its not my forst 'official' swap, I tried a jewelry swap with someone overseas almost a year ago but something went wrong and I don't think either of us got our packages...they are lost in postal la-la land somewhere! I hope I can please my partner! (o;

ladydy5 on May 17, 2011:

Welcome as a newbie to Thriftstore Find 16. Pls. make sure you send by date due and also to rate when you receive from swapper. Names are now ready to see on this swap.

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