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Original Member
Last Online: March 13, 2025 Country: United States my business facebook spoilers! (my usable flickr) etsy wishlist dreamerkins etsy shop |
I occasionally log on now, but mostly just if I get a PM. I am not, currently, swapping actively... Updated on 08/15/21, just for the heck of it. I've been thinking of coming back soon, but it will be at least October, before I will have time to make anything new. If you're interested in any of the things in my last list, I'd still send asap, though. It's about time to destash some of the many, many, MANY supplies in boxes, I used to use for swaps. I have far too much stuff, and the walls are closing in!
for those reading my etsy wishlist: it is there to give you ideas of what i like... most of it is expensive... i would rather you create something in a similar style, than buy... (like a tag or postcard where someone is wearing an outfit of the style of the listing, rather than actually buying me the outfit. or a small version you made, for a doll. I totally don't expect anyone to purchase anything, and really don't do etsy swaps...).
mostly anime, lately. Love Doctor Who, Supernatural, and Chuck
Roger Zelazny 's Amber books, Melissa Marr's fairies, and Dresden files are all favorites. I have also been reading a lot of manga lately. My favorites are skip beat, Ldk, Kamisama Kiss, Yona of the dawn,and maid-sama.
I've also fallen down the romance novel rabbit hole. Shelley Laurenston (aka. G. A. Aiken) and Terry Bolryder are my favorite authors. Humor is necessary in stories. I'm not a fan of many books that are too dry and serious.
I also love anything by Madeline L'Engle, Scott Westerfeld, or Marissa Meyer. I definitely love the YA section of the library! I've been buying a lot of books lately. There's very little I enjoy in life, more than reading a good book!
Mostly Christian harder rock, like tait, Red, anberlin, and kutless, newsboys, DCTalk, sanctus real, and decyfer down.
I also listen to a lot of classical music, and instrumentals.
I am a mother of 2 gorgeous little girls, married... I'm a spirit-filled born again christian.I used to be a big crafter, but I'm not really, anymore. I love anything celestial that's not astrology... and I love the night sky (great theme to use if you are making me something), even though twilight is my favorite part of the day, especially in summer when the fireflies are out showing a closer version of the stars. I love fantasy.i love a large variety of themes and color combos. vintage, victorian, lacey, flowery, all nature, steam punk. i love leaves in all colors, even orange (only fond of orange when it has other colors involved)! i love anything that when you touch it is so soft as to make you want to rub it on your face. that's how i shop... by touch. I prefer colors to be more jewel toned and vibrant.
I collect, and love dolls. I have a lot of BJDs, in most every size. I always want more clothing for them.. (i need to learn to sew better...) as well as wigs.
I like milk and white chocolate, but not dark. Cote d'or is my favorite. it's hard to find, here. I like most fruity flavors, except banana. I love flavored coffees (without cinnamon). I also like green and herbal teas.
i love any cold-brewed coffee (coarser grinding for this)! my favorite regular flavors of coffee are fudge, caramel, almond joy(which I usually mix myself, out of a chocolate, a coconut, and a nut flavor) and creme brulee. I love flavored coffee! ... but I loathe starbucks.. even their store coffee. yuck.. burned beans... :shudders:
I've been very interested in sewn/textile junk journals lately. I would love one made with little to no paper, or with fabric paper. Those are so pretty!
politics, the news, and starbucks are my main dislikes. I won't discuss them.
I'm loving steam-punk right now. I'd love something I can add to my steam punk costume I'm slowly making.
Dolly stuff, clothes, shoes!, blankets, a pillow, etc. Some of my dolls are for my collection, and some are to face-up, rehair, redress, and sell. I need places for my dolls, but also stuff to pose them with, for good sales pictures.
Panpastels, for dolly faceups.
Wool/alpaca hair/etc. I use locks to make doll wigs, and have 2 spinning wheels (one, an Ashford, the other an electric eal wheel), and am teaching myself to spin. I crochet, loom knit, and occasionally weave.
This is basically stuff I have, that I'm just not interested in, anymore.
We'll start with the ATCs. I have several binders full. Atcs are for trading, not selling, and I can't bear to throw away things people worked so hard on... So, I will only trade these, but I will not trade them for more of the same.
polymer clay. I have tons. Mostly premo, before they changed the formula.... specifically, when the colors were still artist colors, and the clay was of preferable hardness.. i even have zinc yellow. that color is crumbly, but it always was.... probably why they discontinued it... it was a big deal, to people then.. so, here's the deal. it's old, but it hasn't been exposed to heat. if you are big into poly clay art, and don't mind working a little harder, with your clay, it might still interest you.
yarn, scrapbooking paper, rubber stamps and ink, etc. I've trade nearly every craft out there, and stocked up on supplies. I have a lot. I don't use it. If you want to trade for it, I'll want to do a big trade, to make it worth digging out, from behind my doll house... However, that doesn't necessarily mean i want a lot from you.. If you have something to offer, that I'm really interested in, I may send large for small.. but I'm not going to search for a single rubber stamp, you desperately want, unless I'm sending way more of them.
I also have at least 300 monster high/ever after high dolls, last count. A few are altered, with a new face up or hair. A bunch are new in box. Most are out of box, displayed, then carefully stored, and a few were used or flea market finds (Don't worry. I know which are which). I've been wanting to sell or trade these, but I just haven't gotten around to it. If you're interested in these, send me a pm. We'll find a one on one chat, so I can get you pics, and we can discuss which ones you want. :)
Glad too see you on
I hope your day is great!
Happy Birthday!
Inspiration Station~
Inspiration Station~
Thanks for joining Inspiration Station!
Had not seen you for a while. Good to see you back.
I saw your forum post, and I thought I would share a picture that makes me smile every time I come across it.

Wow! Thank you so much for the links to the knitting patterns! I'll have to take a look at those when I have some time. I have them bookmarked. My mom will be thrilled as well because she's just been using her looms to make these tube scarfs. They're nice, but monotonous. We're packing up right now to have our bedrooms remodeled. My parents are going to Disney World during the remodel while I get to stay here with the workers. That doesn't sound too fair does it? I got to go in November, so I can't complain too much. I'll stop rambling now. Thank you again. You rock!