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Mo0fin on Aug 21, 2007:

Thank you for the ribbon :D

mrsD on Aug 20, 2007:

thank you so much for the handmade birthday card, what a nice surprise! :)

Phoenyx on Aug 17, 2007:

Thank you for a totally awesome handmade box full of "girly" goodness! I LOVE the masque and foot scrub!!!

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Invisible on Aug 16, 2007:

Thank you for the Wahington post cards...I never knew that is what ML looks like from the air.


wyldIvy on Aug 15, 2007:

I got your package of leaf cut-outs and those neat swap cards in envelopes. Those are really cool! Thank you. It'll be really fun to use the leaves, they're absolutely beautiful. My roomie was way excited about them as well, She was practically begging me to share them (which I will of course!)
So Thank you from my whole house!

mrsD on Aug 15, 2007:

that you for the terrific handmade cards I found today in my mail! I love the papers you used, great colours!

pointypartyhat on Aug 3, 2007:

I just sent your package! I hope you like what I sent!

pointypartyhat on Aug 3, 2007:

I sent this message to your email so you may not have gotten yet. I have been pretty sick lately so your package will be two days later than it would have normally been. I promise I am sending it!!!

user8332 on Jul 9, 2007:

Thanks for the heart! I'm glad you got your stuff so quickly!

user8332 on Jul 6, 2007:

Hubby's parcel is on its way! Hope he loves it!

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