Swap-bot Time: March 13, 2025 11:09 am


Date Joined: October 30, 2018
Last Online: March 10, 2025
Birthday: August 31
Country: United States

My Art and Swaps

I absolutely love drawing and painting. When I'm drawing, I mostly use Prismacolor and Crayola color pencils, but I also enjoy Staedtler, Faber Castell, Sargent Art, and a few others. My favorite paper to work with is Strathmore. I love their sketchbooks, artbooks, and ATC paper. It's so soft! My favorite pencils I sketch with are Pilot, but I have tried other brands. I like to work with markers, but I do not have as many colors, so that's few and far between. I love doing colored pieces, but greyscale is really fun, too.

When it comes to painting, I use a lot of acrylic paints. I also love incorporating metallics, glow-in-the-dark, and color shifts. Black color shift works great for a leathery look, so I have several bottles of that. I work with stretched canvases or canvas panels. I find it so much easier to work with certain characters in paint, like Dr. Romani or Soren, as I cannot find their hair colors in color pencils. I will use any size canvas, but I have a soft spot for square canvases or unusual shapes like hearts, circles, and ovals.

The main reason I am here is because of the ATC swaps. I really love making ATCs. It's so fun seeing what kind of details can be put into such a small drawing. I also find them to be good for background practice.

I love making badges. Since my art is traditional, I've only done one badge per character so far. I buy them in packs of 12 that come with the front, back, and papers for each drawing that goes inside the badges.

The majority of my drawings and paintings are some kind of fan art. My favorite characters to draw come from Fire Emblem, Fate, Demon Slayer, and Pokemon. I really love these series, and they give me a chance to draw things I enjoy like armor, hair, capes, and I like to do hands. I can do some fun poses, too, especially with mages.

While I mostly draw/paint fan art, but I do other things, as well.

• I will post my completed ATCs after a set amount of time once they've been shipped, so there could be swap spoilers on my social media pages. For domestic swaps, I will wait one week to post the ATCs, and for international swaps I will wait two weeks.

• I like to reach out to my partners if the swap hasn't been rated after a while (the time depends on where the swap is going and what time of year it is.) If the swap hasn't arrived, I am happy to resend.

• I also make sure to check every partner's profile. Even if I join an Sender's Choice ATC exchange, I try to find something in your profile I know so I can tailor the ATC to your liking. Otherwise, 95% of the time, you'll probably wind up with a Fate or Fire Emblem character.

Favorite Video Games

I do enjoy video games almost as much as drawing. It's something I've done to unwind since I was tiny. I don't really remember a time not playing video games, or at least watching someone else play.

Fire Emblem is my absolute favorite! If given the chance, I could talk for hours. My favorites that I've played are Radiant Dawn, Fates, and Three Houses. There's hundreds of characters, so to help narrow it down, I put some of my favorite characters from each game in parenthesis by each one, but I'll take any character or art based on Fire Emblem, especially if you want to share your favorite. These are the ones I've played:

• Blazing Sword (Hector, Eliwood, Ninian, Pent, Karel, Erk, Canas, Lloyd.)

• Shadow Dragon (Marth, Caeda, Nyna, Camus, Michaelis, Minerva, Ogma, Naverre.)

• Radiant Dawn (Ike, Titania, Shinon, Soren, Greil, Tibarn, Zelgius, Jarod, Pelleas, Sephiran, Sanaki.)

• Awakening (Robin, Chrom, Inigo, Virion, Tharja, Henry, Olivia, Tiki, Gaius.)

• Fates (Xander, Siegbert, Leo, Forrest, Kaze, Saizo, Jakob, Subaki.)

• Echoes: Shadows of Valentia (Fernand, Lukas, Zeke, Luthier, Alm, Saber, Genny, Sonya.)

• Three Houses (Seteth, Flayn, Rhea, Dimitri, Felix, Ashe, Lorenz, Ferdinand.)

• Engage: (Alear, Diamant, Alcryst, Morion, Pandreo, Zelkov, Kagetsu, and Rosado.)

Pokemon is also really fun! I've played a lot of, but my favorite has remained Pokemon Black and White, but Sword and Shield is a very close second. I really love Pokemon Snap and have been having the time of my life in New Pokemon Snap. My favorite human characters include Piers, Marnie, Leon, Chairman Rose, Grusha, Hassel, Cynthia, N, Brycen, Cilan, Chili, Cress, Burgh, Faulkner, Lt. Surge, Arlo, and Giovanni.

I love most every Pokemon, there's only a few I dislike. I have a soft spot for baby Pokemon, Raichu, Clefairy, Larvitar, Ampharos, Bunneary, Machoke, and Legendary and Mythical Pokemon. If you are in a Pokemon swap with me and are still unsure, feel free to message me.

Castlevania has been one of those games that's always been on the corner of my vision, but with Simon and Richter coming to Smash, I finally got into it. I have played Dawn of Sorrow and Order of Ecclesia, but I own most now due to various virtual consoles. They're just on my massive to-play list. Castlevania might have a few religious undertones that might be considered offensive.

I've been playing Fate/Grand Order since 2019. There's a multitude of servants that I love, with King Arthur being my favorite. Much like Pokemon, if you are in a swap with me and you want to draw a Fate character, but you're unsure about which to send, feel free to message me.

Here are a few other series or games that I enjoy, even though they might not be my absolute favorites.

• Super Mario, and that includes both Paper Mario series and the Yoshi series.

• Pit, Dark Pit, and Lady Palutena from Kid Icarus.

• Kirby, Waddle Dee, and King Dedede from the Kirby series.

• The Misadventures of Tron Bonne

• Metal Gear Solid 3

• Ocarina of Time

These I also enjoy, but they can be gory. If you look into them, please be warned.

• Fatal Frame, with III probably being my favorite. The first is definitely the goriest.

• Silent Hill, with Downpour being my favorite.

• Resident Evil, though the last I played was 6.

• The first The Evil Within.

• Darksiders. It can be gory, and it is based around the Christian Bible and includes things that might be considered offensive.

Anime and Manga

These are some of my favorite animes, in no particular order except alphabetical. Some with bigger casts I elaborated on, but others have pretty small casts.

• Beyblade, specifically the Metal Saga. This is one of the animes my sister and I would get up to watch on Saturday mornings. I love Julian, and Team Excalibur as a whole. I also like Kyoya, Dashan, Toby, Zeo, Tsubasa, Pluto, and Dynamis.

• Black Butler with some of my favorites being Sebastian, William, Ronald, Madam Red, and Mey-Rin.

• Castlevania

• Chobits

• Demon Slayer. My favorites are Kyojuro, Senjuro, Tengen, Giyu, Kagaya (though I understand that he may be difficult to draw.)

• Fate series. Like Fire Emblem, there are a lot of characters, and in some cases, a lot of versions of one character. I love King Arthur, he is on a tier of his own. I also adore Altria/Artoria, Gawain, Tristian, Bedivere, Agravain, Gareth, Galahad, Gilgamesh in any form though Caster is my favorite Gil, Cu, Scathach, Fionn, Karna, Siegfried, Sherlock, James Moriarty, Dr. Romani, Fou, David, Jason, Asclepius, Atalante, Yamanami Keisuke, Sigurd, Brynhild, Arash, Kirschtaria, Ophelia, and Akuta. Like Fire Emblem, I would be happy to receive anything Fate based.

• Pokemon

• Sailor Moon especially Venus, Pluto, Saturn, Artemis, the Black Moon Family, Witches 5, and the Four Heavenly Generals.

• Sleepy Princess in the Demon Castle

• Yu-Gi-Oh!

• Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL with the Arclights being my favorite characters. I do enjoy most of the Barians, as well, with Vector, Durbe, and Mizar being my favorites.


Here is a little list of other non-anime shows I enjoy.

• King of the Hill is one of those shows I grew up on, and I feel it's timeless. Even with technology and references being outdated, it's still just average life that you can learn from.

• Hey Arnold.

• Doug, but not Disney's version.

• Rocko's Modern Life.

• Angry Beavers

• Venture Bros.

• As Told by Ginger


• Some of my favorite colors are blue and pink, and I love pastels.

• I also like glitter, though I know some people have strong feelings about it.

• I really like stickers! There are some exceptions, though. I'll mention those in my Dislikes.

• I enjoy hand drawn private swaps. I have only done one, but I really enjoyed it and would be open to more.

• I collect most of the Fire Emblem merchandise I can find, which includes a lot of importing from Japan.

• I used to collect a lot in general, anything I remotely liked that came my way, but I am trying to narrow that down to Fire Emblem, Fate, and a few other small collections.

• I adore Amuse plushies, especially Pote Usa Loppy! I also like their plushies of Coroham, Kotori-tai, the Long-tail Tits, and Harin the Hedgehog.

• I also love Rascal the Raccoon. He is a animation mascot, but I really know him from the plushies my sister and I have won off Toreba.

• I've recently gotten into figures, thanks again in part to Toreba. I mostly own a lot of prize figures, and a big chunk of those are Re:Zero. I also love the Fate series figures, Fire Emblem figures, and a few other series.

  • I love traditional art supplies. Color pencils, acrylic paints, paint brushes, mechanical pencils, Pilot anything, sketchbooks, and I'm starting to work with markers.

• Some of my favorite snacks are Peanut Chews, Jelly Belly jelly beans, Hershey Drops, Reese's with pieces, Werther's candies, and most M&Ms (except peanuts, pretzels, and chocolate hazelnut.) I also enjoy peppermint, which I overload on during the holiday season.


• I do not do papercraft or scrapbooking. As I stated, I draw my ATCs by hand. I do not really have use for stick on gems, paper cut outs, ribbon scraps, pom poms, found images, used postage stamps, or anything like that.

• I am not a drinker, and I'm not a big fan of "wine culture" if you want to call it that. I do not want anything alcohol related, with the possible exception of a hand drawn ATC of a noble character with a glass of wine, which would be fitting for the character.

• I'm not super religious, so please no religious ATCs or add ons. Again, I would not mind the exception of a character based ATC who happens to be a god, goddess, or demi-god.

• I am not against receiving tea, as I have been sent tea before and I was very curious about it, but I never wound up drinking any. I also do not own a tea infuser, so I don't know if loose tea would be good for me.

• The only stickers I don't like are postage stamp looking ones and school stickers. About 99% of our stickers go on packages, and I don't feel comfortable putting stamp stickers on letters or boxes.

• I am not a fan of gummy candies.

• Animal Crossing. Hear me out, it has everything I should enjoy: cute animals, build my own village, design clothes. I've tried to play it, but I just can't get into it.

• Sonic, same as above. I tried it and could not get into it.

• The same goes for Crash Bandicoot.

• Clock Tower series. I enjoy survival horror, but this one put me to sleep just watching playthroughs.


• I have a few food allergies, which include strawberry, peaches, and seafood.

• I am also allergic to many types of makeup and perfumes. I think that allergy might stem from flowers but I am not sure fully if it is or not, so please no strong scents.


Bellakrystle rated for Profile Deco ~ 2025 March Day 9 on Mar 10, 2025
Comment: Absolutely love the trash panda it's my spirt animal lol
Comment: Nothing says, "It's SPRING!" better than a pretty umbrella beneath a soft rain!! xx
Comment: What an absolutely AWESOME ATC of an AWESOME character! Am in LOVE with it! Thank you so much!
Comment: I love the ATC!!! Thank you so much.
lazylapis rated for 2025 Anime HD/HP ATC Swap on Feb 16, 2025
Comment: I love this ATC haha!!! :D Demon Slayer has been on my "to watch" list for quite some time. Thanks for sharing your excitement with me, and for hosting these lovely swaps!!!!
Comment: absolutely love the pc card. thank you for all your effort and the story of the pc as well.
NowherefromDraco rated for Yu-Gi-Oh! HD/HP ATC Swap on Jan 10, 2025
Comment: Delilah, thank you so so very much for this adorable Banette ATC with the cute little Shuppet on it too! I adore it with my whole entire heart! <3 I am also loving the Halloween event in Pokemon GO! I am on the search still for all the costumed Pokemon in their shiny variants! I have only found a Piplup so far this year! I am still trying though, even though I am running out of time :O I am so excited to add your ATC into my collection! I also LOVE the notecard that you sent the swap in too! Thank you so very much again<3<3
Comment: Thanks, I love the ATC's.
Comment: Even though I don't know the character you portrayed, your drawing skills are excellent! If you made any mistakes, I couldn't tell. Thank you!
Comment: This is so cool! CrowDancer's ATC is super cute, and then there was a really nice note. Plus, there were a lot of fun stickers on the envelope. Definitely a great first swap!
Carefreeruby rated for Magical Girl HD/HP ATC Swap on Jul 9, 2024
Comment: The art is absoluelty beautiful. Madoka (at least the main series) is definitely worth watching! You will not believe how it ends if you decide to finish watching :-)
Comment: Again, I absolutely adore your ATC! 😍😍😍 so happy to have it in my collection. Thanks again youre the best!
Comment: Thank you so much for this lovely card! My partner is super into Pokémon and this one made me smile. Your drawing is lovely, and personifies Adaman perfectly:)
Comment: Your card is very well done! You're definitely a talented artist! I think I'll give Fate/Requiem a read.
Comment: Thank you, I really loved your ATC. Great shadow and color technique. I can learn from it. (=
Comment: Tiki is so lovely! I've never heard of this character before but my husband has heard of the game. Beautiful artwork, you are very talented! Thanks so much!
Comment: I love Bulbasaur! I love the artwork. Beautiful shading! Thanks so much!

Rating Overview

Overall Hearts Stars Hosted
5.0000 349 37 44
Completed Fives Threes Ones
297 383 0 0
Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Uncategorized
38 8 251 0
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happytortoise on Mar 10, 2025:

For Profile Deco ~ 2025 March Day 9

klover on Mar 9, 2025:

profile deco march 2025 day 9

klover on Mar 9, 2025:

profile deco March 2025 day 9 theme-umbrella ![](https://i.pinimg.com/236x/31/8e/87/318e874dfe5f02dfb95c7aa4c4e91b7b.jpghttps://i.pinimg.com/236x/31/8e/87/318e874dfe5f02dfb95c7aa4c4e91b7b.jpg

ariestess on Jan 19, 2024:

Hey there! Just a friendly hello for Dragon Apprecation Day! I hope this finds you happy & well! I adore dragons & forced myself to stop at these 4 images, or I might've flooded your profile page. LOL! Have a great weekend!

Manonroberts on Jan 18, 2024:

Dragon Appreciation Day profile decoration QUICK

Best wishes from Wales :)

nancylee on Jan 17, 2024:

Dragon Appreciation Day profile decoration QUICK

Thanks for joining - bonus dragon

Hell0Z0mbie on Apr 2, 2022:

Please don't forget to rate your partners for swaps you've received, including for the "ATCs - Profile Surprise" swap I hosted. I've sent you a few messages about this.

Fabriqueen on Feb 1, 2022:

I put the name Profile Deco - Groundhog Day but it should have been Groundhog Day Profile Decorations. Sorry about that. Thanks!

Fabriqueen on Feb 1, 2022:

Profile Deco - Groundhog Day

Have a wonderful Day! Hugs, Diane

nancylee on Jan 31, 2022:

Thank you for joining my swap Groundhog Day Profile decorations, I am popping on a bonus groundhog.

I plan to check with Malverne Mel, Holtsville, Hal and Staten Island Chuck here in NYC and glance at the handsome but better-known Punxatawney Phil and hope they all say spring is on the way

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