Swap-bot Time: September 28, 2024 4:27 pm

Are you sure you want to signup for ATC Bag #18 International?

Yes, sign me up! or No, I changed my mind.

I love these swaps but haven't seen an international version. So I thought I would start hosting one.

If this is your first round or you don't have an established bag to send, you'll have to make a new bag. Take an envelope or bag and write your name and address on one side. Write instructions on the other side - for example "Take out 2 ATC's and add 3". But you can choose how many each participant takes and adds. Also include a place for everyone to sign their name. You can choose how many people add to the bag. Usually people have 4-5 participants. The last signer will send it home. New bags should start with at least 4 ATC's so players have an assortment to choose from. They can be ones you made, or ones you already have made by other people. Put the ATC bag inside another envelope, and mail it to your partner. You don't have to make a bag for yourself. If you want to make a bag for someone else that's fine. Update: I won't require it but if you can, it would be preferred if the ATC's are in a protective sleeve.

If you participated in previous rounds or already have an established ATC Bag, you know what to do.....Follow the instructions, put it in an envelope and pass it on to your partner. However, make sure your partner hasn't already signed it. If your partner has already signed it you need to start a new bag or find another established bag they haven't signed.

When you receive your ATC bag, follow the instructions and pass it along in the next round. Just to clarify, ATC's are 3.5 inches x 2.5 inches with a sturdy background. The ATC's can be made by you or other artists. Do not send sticker-slapped cards you've made. Other than that you can use any medium to make your ATC's (e.g. paint, pens, markers, collage, etc.). Also, do not include any speedy found image ATC's - ones that are simply an image pasted to a piece of cardboard. They're not true ATC's.

Finally, please don't send a bag home unless you are the last signer. If you are unable to participate in future rounds please let me know so we can make sure the bag you receive eventually makes it home.

Rate your partner a 5 if you receive an ATC bag that fits the swap description. Do not rate down because you don't think the ATC's are good enough or don't like them. Give a heart if you think it's extra special.

No newbies and no unexplained 1s or 3s. You must have participated in at least 20 Type 3 swaps and have a well filled out profile. I won't include a rating requirement but ask that only well established users sign up. Don't sign up if you don't meet the swap requirements. If you do, I'll know you haven't read the description thoroughly. I will ban users at my discretion.

Contact me or comment below if you have any questions.

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