Use the controls to the right to show only the ratings you are interested in.
Response: Oh no! 🫣 I’m glad to hear that everything was still inside though! I’ll be sure to reinforce the envie next time 😅
Response: You’re so welcome, thank you for your kind words! I have got a little list of different writing groups to contact and Newport Writers are one of them! Thanks for the suggestion 🥰
Response: You’re so very welcome! I have heaps of stationery, and it makes me happy to share it around, especially when it’s appreciated so much. I hope using it brings you lots of joy 🥰
Response: Thank you for the well wishes and gardening advice! It’s already time to get started on seedlings here 😊
Response: Thank you! :) and thank you for the heart x
Response: You're welcome! I'm glad it reached you safely and that you enjoyed my ramblings ;) take care xx
Response: I'm so glad you like it! It's always nerve wracking to send on your work, but it was really fun to make :) Thank you for the heart and happy swapping xx
Response: I'm glad it finally reached you :)
Response: I'm glad you received them.I was sure I enclosed some used stamps for you too, did you receive those too? Happy Swapping!
Response: You're welcome :)
Response: you're most welcome :) Thank you for the heart xx
Response: You're welcome! :)
Response: I'm really glad you liked it and the stamps too! :) thank you for the heart xx
Response: You're most welcome :) Thank you for the heart xx
Response: You're welcome! Thank you for the heart xx
Response: Thank you so much, I really enjoyed making it :) Thank you for the heart and happy swapping! xx
Response: Thank you so much for your wonderful comments! I hope you're still enjoying making zines :) Thank you for the heart xx
Response: You're most welcome! :) thank you for the heart xx
Response: Thank you for the heart :) xx
Response: You're most welcome :) I hope you get to visit there soon, it really is amazing! Thank you for the heart xx
Response: You're most welcome :) take care and thank you for the heart xx
Response: You are most welcome! I'm glad you enjoyed the washi :) Thank you for the rating and heart xx
Response: You're welcome :)
Response: Yay, I'm so glad you like it :D I really like how it turned out too c: Thank you for the heart, happy swapping xx
Response: You're welcome :) I love them too! Thank you for the heart, happy swapping xx
Response: You're welcome. Italy is only temporary for me, but it's got it's perks and food is definitely one of them! Thank you for the rating and great. Happy Swapping xx
Response: You're welcome! They are great aren't they? Thank you for the heart & happy swapping xx
Response: I am really glad that you love everything! Thank you for joining my swap too :) Thank you for the kind words and the heart, hopefully we can swap again soon xx
Response: Yay, i'm glad it reached you safely and that you like everything :) thank you for the heart, happy swapping! xx
Response: That is an amazing way to say I love you! I'm glad you enjoyed the zines :) I'll be sure to send on volume 2, maybe we can set up a private swap? Thank you for your lovely comments and for the heart, take care xx
Response: That's ok, I'm just glad you received it! Thank you for the heart too :)
Response: I'm really glad you liked the zines and yes, zentangles lots of fun, these were my first ones too :) Thank you for the heart, happy swapping xx
Response: Your welcome! :)
Response: You're welcome :) I look forward to hearing from you and thank you for the heart xx
Response: you're welcome :) thank you for the heart! xx
Response: I'm really glad you liked everything :) It was a really fun swap to put together. Thank you for your kind words and the heart. Take care xx
Response: You're welcome, I'm glad you liked the bits I sent. Thank you for the heart, happy swapping! xx
Response: I'm glad you liked everything, it was a lot of fun to make. Thanks for hosting :) xx
Response: Yay, I'm glad you like them (/^o^)/ Thank you for the rating and heart. Happy Swapping! xx
Response: YAY! I am so glad it finally reached you, I was really beginning to worry! I am really happy that you liked it, I had great fun making it and was so excited to send it all to you. I tried to use up as much space in the jar as possible and it was like completing a puzzle to get everything in, hehe. Thank you for the rating and heart, I hope we can swap again too :) xx
Response: You're welcome! I hope you enjoy them :) Thank you for the rating and heart, xx
Response: You're welcome! I really love that tape too, it's useful AND great fun >_< Thank you for the rating and heart :) xx
Response: I am so glad you liked it :) Thank you for the rating and heart. Happy Swapping and Happy Reading ;) xx
Response: Yay, I'm so happy you liked everything, thank you for joining my swap and thank you for the rating and heart. Happy Swapping xx
Response: I'm glad you liked everything! That kitty was something special ;) Thank you for the heart xx
Response: You're welcome again ;) take care xx
Response: You're welcome! Thank you for the heart :) Happy swap-filled New Year xx
Response: You're welcome and Thank you for the heart :) Happy New Year! xx
Response: You're welcome :D I am glad you liked the envie, it didn't come out exactly as I wanted, but if you liked it then I'm happy! Thank you for the heart and Happy New Year! xx
Response: *waves!* I am glad you liked everything :D Thank you for the heart and Happy New Year! xx
Response: You're welcome, I'm really glad you liked the card :) Happy Swapping xx
Response: You're welcome :) Thank you for the heart and Happy Swapping xx
Response: Yes, I like the idea of keeping the mystery alive! :) Thank you for the heart! Happy Swapping xx
Response: I'm glad you liked it :D Thank you for the heart! Happy Swapping xx
Response: You're welcome, I'm glad you enjoyed them :) Thank you for the heart and Happy Swapping xx
Response: You're welcome :) I hope you enjoy them xx
Response: You're welcome :) Thank you for the heart and Happy Swapping xx
Response: I'd been listening to it on and of for some years (my husband was born there and speaks the language with his parents), so I had a little prior experience, but it was difficult. I've not had any lessons though, listening to and participating in conversation seems the most natural way to learn :)
Response: Oops, I just realised I never responded to your rate, sorry! Thank you for the heart, i'm glad you enjoyed my letter :) happy swapping xx
Response: Yay! I'm glad you enjoyed everything :) Happy swapping and thank you for the heart xx
Response: You're welcome, thank you for the heart xx
Response: I'm glad you enjoyed it :) Happy Swapping xx
Response: You're welcome! Happy swapping and Merry Christmas :) thank you for the heart xx
Response: I'm glad you liked it :) yes that is my address and of course you can reply :) Take Care and thank you for the heart xx
Response: You're welcome :) Thank you for the heart and Merry Christmas xx
Response: Agreed! I hope I can keep finding bizarre cards to share :) happy swapping xx
Response: I have a penchant for tiny things and like to share the love :) Happy Birthday/Tanti Auguri xx
Response: I picked the stationery with you in mind :) I'm glad you enjoyed the letter, I had fun writing it. Thank you for the heart and happy swapping xx
Response: You're welcome, thank you for the heart and Happy Swapping xx
Response: Happy Birthday once more :) xx
Response: I'm really glad you liked them :D Happy Swapping xx
Response: You're welcome! :) thank you for the heart xx
Response: I hope you like them! Happy Swapping & Merry Christmas xx
Response: I hope so too. Your comment made me smile lots. I look forward to hearing from you :) xx
Response: You're welcome, i'm really glad they reached you safely. Happy Swapping xx
Response: I look forward to your reply! :)
Response: You're welcome, happy swapping xx
Response: I'm glad it reached you safely. Thank you for the heart xx
Response: Yay! I look forward to your reply :) xx
Response: You're welcome! :) xx
Response: I'm so glad you liked them! I hope you have a wonderful Christmas :) xx
Response: I am really touched by your lovely response. I am really happy that I shared with you and that you enjoyed the letter and the art. I wish you the best and thank you again :) xx
Response: You're welcome :) i'm glad you liked it, I love sharing the rilakkuma love <3
Response: I'm glad you liked it. Thank you for the heart, happy swapping :) xx
Response: I'm glad you liked it and that it reached you on time :) Happy Birthday! xx
Response: I'm so sorry you feel I didn't meet the requirements! I have sent you a message and will be happy to send along whatever is missing! :)
Response: Wow, that took an awfully long time to reach you! But I'm so glad it finally arrived and that you enjoyed all the goodies :) You are most welcome Rafaela! Thank you for the heart xx
Response: You are more than welcome :) Thank you for the heart!!
Response: You are more than welcome :D
I'm so glad you liked it and that everything reached you safely!! I was worried bits would fall off the envie or it would get ripped, I'm so pleased it didn't, hehe. Thank you for the heart :) xx
Response: I'm glad you like the stickers. I love the Rilakkuma flakes, they're the cutest aren't they?! Thank you for the heart Mikka x
Response: You are welcome!! I'm glad you liked the extras :) Thank you for the heart!!
Response: You are most welcome :) I'm glad you liked everything and that it reached you safely!
Response: HK is expensive everywhere... But it's ok, don't worry about it. I hope you liked the things x
Response: You're most welcome :) I'm really glad you liked it! Thank you for the heart :)
Response: You are more than welcome, I'm so glad you liked them :) Thank you for the <3
Response: You're most welcome! I'm glad you liked them :)
Response: I'm so glad you liked them!! I was really worried that they were a bit pants. The view is not without it's downsides, the bell for instance rings on average 80 times a day! :-\ Thank you for the lovely compliment and the <3
Response: That's ok :) You're most welcome and I'm really glad you liked the envies! Thanks for the <3
Response: I'm glad it reached you ok, I hope you find the contents uplifting and inspiring. Thank you for the rating!
Response: Don't worry about the lateness! I'm glad you liked it :D I look forward to your reply xx
Response: You're most welcome, thanks for the rating and the heart :)
Response: Aww, I'm glad you all liked it and you are most welcome :) xx
Response: You are more than welcome, I'm glad you liked it :D
Response: Thank you for the heart, I hope you liked everything!
Response: Oh no! I wonder what happened to the envie?? I hope you like the tea, they are two of my absolute favourites :) Thank you for the <3
Response: You are most welcome :) I'm really glad you like them! Thanks for the <3
Response: You're welcome, I'm glad you like it :) Thank you for the <3
Response: You're welcome! I'm glad you liked what I sent. I'm in Italy now and I miss my benji :( I bet your cat is just as lovely :D Thank you for the <3
Response: You are most welcome :) I obviously picked well ;) what a coincidence! I hope you enjoy it and thank you for the <3
Response: Thank you for the heart! :)
Response: Aw, I'm so glad you liked everything and it was shared around :) You are more than welcome, I'm just glad it was well received! Thank you for the <3
Response: You're welcome :) I'm glad you liked them and they reached you safely! Thank you for the <3
Response: You are more than welcome :) I'm glad you liked everything, have fun with them! Thank you for the <3
Response: You're most welcome :) Jemaine is my favourite too! They are so great aren't they? Thanks for the <3
Response: You are most welcome! I love the flick mites :)
Response: You are most welcome :) I'm glad you like it and it reached you safely (Dotty ensured it's safe arrival (: ) Thank you for the <3
Response: Wow, that took a while to reach you! I'm glad it got there safely, don't worry about a quick reply, I'm in Italy for the next 3 weeks :) Thank you for the <3
Response: You're welcome, I'm really glad you liked it! Thanks for the <3
Response: I'm so glad you liked it, it was difficult to choose from so many lovely gums! Have fun chewing and thanks for the heart!! x
Response: You are most welcome :) Thanks for the <3
Response: You're welcome, I'm glad you liked it :) Thanks for the <3
Response: You're welcome :) I'm glad it didn't fall apart in transit!
Response: I'm glad you liked it :) Thanks for the <3
Response: I'm glad you liked it and thanks for being so patient with all the postal problems :)
Response: Phew! I'm so glad it turned up!! That took a long time to reach you, but I'm really glad you liked it :)
Response: You are most welcome! :)
Response: I'm really glad you liked it all :) Thank you for the rating and the <3
Response: I'm glad you liked it, it was really fun to do :) Thanks for the <3
Response: So totally bizarre right? I'm glad I'm not the only one who is stumped!! Thanks for the <3 xx
Response: You're most welcome! I'm glad it didn't get lost after all :)
Response: I hope you like the teas, Love Tea really is my very favourite! Thank you for the rating and the heart :)
Response: It does, doesn't it? :) I'm really glad you liked it all, thanks for the <3
Response: Aw, I'm glad you liked everything! Thanks for the <3 :D
Response: You are more than welcome, I'm glad I made you smile, that was my intention :)
Response: You're welcome, I'm glad you liked it :) Thanks for the rating and the <3
Response: You are more than welcome :)
Response: Thank you for the rating and the <3
Response: Hehe, I'm glad you liked my choices :)
Response: It's really great isn't it? I really want to get some of his books too :) Thanks for the <3
Response: You're most welcome, I'm glad you liked it, it took me a while to pick them out. Thanks for the rating and the <3
Response: Aww, I'm glad you liked it :D Thanks x
Response: I'm glad you liked the card Joanne :) Thanks for the ratnig and the <3
Response: I'm glad you liked it :D Thanks for the rating and the heart! :)
Response: Thanks for the rating and the heart. I'm glad you liked the card, I'd been holding on to it for a while, unwilling to let it go to an undeserving home ;)
Response: I'm really glad you enjoyed them! Thanks for the rating and the heart :)
Response: I'm glad you liked it, thanks for the rating :)
Response: I got a little carried away, but I'm glad you like it :D
Response: You're most welcome :)